Category Archives: co-reference analysis


We’ve had a couple of meetings with Karen Smith-Yoshimura and Thomas Hickey, of the Scholars Contributions to VIAF group, to discuss possible collaborations, exchange of information, and mutual benefits of sharing standards between the SNAP:DRGN project and VIAF (the Virtual International Authority File, a federated authority list of persons from library catalogs, mostly from author or subject fields).

We considered two main questions: Continue reading SNAP and VIAF

Procedures to identify co-references in contributing datasets

During the SNAP workshop of March 30 and April 1 we had a breakout session on the problem of trying to identify overlaps between the contributing datasets, one of SNAP challenges. Given how diverse the information provided by each will be, this is not a given. What follows is my idiosyncratic survey of what was discussed at the session, with thanks to the participants of course. Continue reading Procedures to identify co-references in contributing datasets