Annotations (4)
comment "Changelog:
121016 (Justyna Walkowska)
- R4 has been disconnected from P128
- R11 has been disconnected from R16 and P33
- R26 has been disconnected from both P2 and P108
120219 (Judith Merges)
- Initial version" (en)
comment "Erlangen FRBRoo - An OWL DL 0.1 implementation of the FRBRoo originally created by Judith Merges at the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Department of Computer Science, Chair of Computer Science 8 (Artificial Intelligence). It is based on the official definition of the FRBRoo (http://www.cidoc-crm.org/docs/frbr_oo/frbr_docs/FRBRoo_V1.0.2.pdf). This implementation is currently under development by the Erlangen CRM community (http://groups.google.com/group/erlangen-crm).The Erlangen FRBRoo implementation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License." (en)
label "Erlangen FRBRoo" (en)
versionInfo "EFRBRoo 121016 / FRBRoo 1.0.2 / ECRM current / CIDOC-CRM 5.0.4" (string)
Imports (1)