Object Property: 'is representative manifestation singleton for'
Annotations (2)
comment "Scope note:
This property identifies an instance of Manifestation Singleton that has been declared as the unique representative for an instance of F2 Expression by some bibliographic agency.
This property identifies an instance of F4 Manifestation Singleton that has been chosen as the most characteristic Manifestation Singleton of the instance of F2 Expression of which it is a manifestation.
Identifying an instance of F4 Manifestation Singleton that is representative for an instance of F2 Expression makes it possible in turn to identify an instance of F2 Expression that is representative for an instance of F1 Work, and to decide what should be regarded as the title of the work.
The title of an Expression may not be one taken from a representative Manifestation Product Type or Manifestation Singleton.
A given expression can have more than one representative Manifestation Singleton.
It is a shortcut for the more developed path: F2 Expression R48B was assigned by F41 Representative Manifestation Assignment R53 assigned F4 Manifestation Singleton.
The musical text of Stanislas Champein’s opera ‘Vichnou’ (F22) R42 has representative manifestation singleton The manuscript identified by shelfmark ‘MS-8282’ within the collections of the National Library of France, Department for Music (F4) [explanation: the BnF’s Department for Music holds 3 manuscript scores (identified by shelfmarks ‘MS-8282’, ‘MS-13778’, and ‘MS-17321’) for this opera; the title inscribed on MS-8282 is ‘Vichnou’, while MS-13778 and MS-17321 are titled ‘Vistnou’; the authorised form chosen by cataloguers and reference tools such as the Grove Dictionary for Opera is ‘Vichnou’, while ‘Vistnou’ is recorded in the BnF’s authority file only as a cross reference]
" (en)
label "is representative manifestation singleton for" (en)
Domains (1)
Ranges (1)
Inverses (1)
Superproperties (1)
Usage (3)